昨晚临睡时打开博客瞅了一眼,结果发现所有图片的加载不出来了。怀疑是不是所有图片都被图床给删了,赶紧去看了一眼,发现只是所有图片的地址都被从 https://s3 迁移到了 https://z3 而已。还好只是虚惊一场,不过因此博客也不能不修复所有的图片链接了。

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{r3dmol} v0.1.2 is now available on CRAN. By using {r3dmol}, you could create rich and fully interactive 3D visualizations of molecular data, and embed pdbs easily into a rmarkdown report or blogdown post.

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Su Wei

Opportunity favors only the prepared mind.

Front-end Engineer

Tokyo, Japan